WCF Tutorial
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Programming WCF Services, 2nd Edition

Programming WCF Services will teach you how to design and develop SOA-WCF-based applications. You will need to be an experienced developer who has a fair understanding of .NET and C# 2.0. A couple of points about Programming WCF Services, first, this isn't a beginners book; the author dives down into advanced material in spots almost without notice. If you want to become proficient using WCF, you will be buying this book eventually. You will find that this book will become both a reference as well as well as a guide.

Author : Juval Lowy

ISBN : 978-0-596-52130-1

Wrox-Professional WCF Programming

This book is very good for beginners. This books covers all the topics in WCF in general. I will recommend this book, for initial stage of learning.

Author : Scott Klein

ISBN : 9780470089842

Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step

Covering the concepts and details necessary to enable you to build connected solutions, this book offers hands-on guidance for creating the Web services you need to implement robust business applications for Windows. Teach yourself the essentials of Windows Communication Foundation-one step at a time. With this practical tutorial, you get hands-on guidance for creating the Web services you need to implement robust business applications for Windows.

Author : John Sharp

ISBN : 9780735623361

Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation Book Description

This is also a very good book. The book covers all the WCF topics in depth while using a lot of examples schemas and screenshots. This is a great book about how to develop WCF services. I really recommend this book, but I like juval's more.

Author : Chris Peiris, Dennis Mulder, Shawn Cicoria,

ISBN : 1590597028

Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation: Hands-on

You will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to apply the Windows Communication Foundation to almost any distributed computing problem, from enterprise scale to peer-to-peer. Most importantly, after reading the book and working through the examples, you will actually have considerable experience using WCF, because the book takes you through the steps of actually building Windows Communication Foundation solutions.

Author : Craig McMurtry

ISBN : 0672328771

Learning WCF

This also one of the nice book from O'Relliy. One of my great architect also recommend this book.

Author : Michele Leroux Bustamante

ISBN : 978-0-596-10162-6


  • Always create the service with Interface->Implementation format, mention the contract in Interface.
  • Define the service in Class library and refer the class library in Host project. Don’t use service class in host project.
  • Change the instance mode to per call as default.
  • Always catch exception using try/catch block and throw exception using FaultException < T >.
  • Logging and Include exception should be enable while compiling the project in debug mode. While in production deployment disable the logging and Include exception details.